View this post on Instagram2019 on my shit this year ain't no looking back #atldjs #djlife #songwriter #soundcloudrapper #socialmedia #social #producer #promotion #flyerdesign #worldstar #artist #music #newartist #newmusic #newmusicvideo
View this post on Instagramfight night tues @the_cave3430 this how it went #badbitches #rapper #hiphop #music #artist #soundcloud #trap #producer #newmusic #singer #beats #rappers #rapmusic #hiphopmusic #hiphopculture #musician #trapmusic #musicproducer #rapping #instamusic #bhfyp #youtube #worldstar #studio #hiphopartist #rapartist #producers #soundcloudrapper #goodmusic #xxxtentacionedits
Yoboy DJcity
Take life one day at a time stay focused never let no one hold you back from doing what you got to do to be successful